Monday, June 20, 2011

Jim Carrey actually didn't suck.

Mini Reviw #3

I've been losing faith in Jim Carrey. Let's be honest...he's losing his touch. Look at his new movie! Penguins? Really? Let's get back to Ace Ventura and Dumb And Dumber, shall we?

I'm not a huge fan of comedy actors doing serious roles. It's just weird. Remember when that guy who played Joey in Friends tried to have that serious role, and everyone was just waiting for Joey to come back out? It just doesn't work.

Anyway, back to Jim Carrey.

He managed to make it work. I don't know what it was about this movie, but I loved Eternal Sunshine. I loved Kate Winslet, I loved Jim Carrey, I loved the story, I loved everything about it. It was really cool and kept my attention the whole time, which only really good movies can.

Good job, Jim Carrey. Good. Job.

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