Tuesday, April 5, 2011

If I hadn’t been very rich, I might have been a really great man.

Honestly, I don't think that Citizen Kane is the best movie I have ever seen, but it does come into the top five. It was well done and, though there were dry moments, it did have a great mystery to it.

I understand where one would think that the movie was boring or not well done. We have very high standards today when it comes to movies, and if it doesn't keep us on the edge of our seat and it doesn't have stellar visual effects then it is deemed a "boring" or "terrible" movie. I think it has become more about that then about a good story line, which I believe Citizen Kane did.

Movies today lack a good story. They're more about one upping the last visually pleasing movie than about creating a witty and in depth story line. The characters are generally flat, and if they do have any dimension to them, it's all done through the present in the movie, never going back in their life times. I think that Citizen Kane did that well and Kane was an incredibly well developed character and the way that the movie flipped through present and past was done effectively.

The way that they set up the interviews was, in my opinion, the best part about the movie. My favourite would have been Leeland's interview. I really liked that you could see how they reacted to his death, and the reasons behind it. It was so much better with the use of flashbacks than it would have been for them to simply tell the story. Or, like many other movies do, have the flashback but have it narrated. The one thing that I can not stand is having a flashback narrated. Without the narration it keeps the feeling of the movie without feeling like it's story time.

However, I would not say that it is the best movie ever to have been made. It was very good, though. A solid four and a half out of five, for me!

(I thought that picture accurately represented my feelings for this movie.)

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