Friday, February 25, 2011

Music Video Analysis

Whoa Is Me by Down With Webster

Reality in this video is presented as a life full of fame and partying. Like the typical party-esque video everyone is attractive and having fun. Reality is shown this way because of the nature of the song. The lyrics to the song and the entire point to the song is talking about how awesome and cool the band is (or how "whoa" they are, according to the lyrics). By showing everyone having fun at a show of theirs and everyone around them being attractive and partying it, in music video standards, makes them awesome.

The video is set at night, which is when most party videos are set in. Though, not too many pop/party music videos are set on a bright sunny afternoon, either. There are lots of flashing lights and some slow motion performance scenes, which are quite common in videos of a pop-rock genre (though this song falls more into the pop genre).

The main value statement in this video is that the more you party, the cooler you are. It could also have to do with being full of yourself, if you look at the lyrics, and it shows that through the way one of the band members acts, with his somewhat diva like attitude. Being a diva is what it takes to be a celebrity - if you want to be famous, be a diva.

This video appeals to teenagers because it's about being a celebrity. A lot of videos show a story, but this was about being famous and a celebrity, which is everything that most teens dream of being. Celebrities are idolized and most teenagers want to have the life that a celebrity does - partying, red carpets, playing music on stage, etc.

Personally, I like the video, and as a commercial for the band, I think it's a good video. Down With Webster wasn't a hugely famous band before this video, and while they still are't giant they did gain a lot of fans after this song and video. They did a very good job of making the band seem incredibly cool and popular. Their video before this was a very funny, joke type video and this video made them seem like they were already incredibly famous and popular and cool and that everyone should want to be like them. It did a great job of selling the band, and it fit well with the song, since the song is about being cool and a celebrity.

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