Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The filmmaker made this film to prove his point that copyrights limit too much, that they make creativity too hard. His intention was to get the attention focused on industries that hold these copyrights and make them seem like they are taking too much from the general public. I agree with some of his point of view, but I disagree with some of it. I agree that copyrights do limit a lot and make it hard to be creative in any way, but I disagree with how they presented their ideas.

Obviously there is bias, and it's perfectly fine to have a bias in a film, it'd be very difficult not to. Most documentaries are all supposed to prove a point and that can't be done without some form of bias. However, I think that there does have to be a sense of showing the other side, which I don't think this film did very well. It went into the background of copyrights and looked at all the awesome/cool people who supported what Girl Talk did and how copyrights shouldn't be used and when it came to the other side of the argument they were all, for lack of a better word, lame people. All of the people who were charged with copyrights all got a sad sob story segment, but the people who were pro copyrights got nothing near that kind of sympathy. The copyrights lawyer was presented as someone who was totally unable to comprehend how Girl Talk did what he did and was floored by what he was doing. This gave the impression that, even though they are protecting copyrights, they don't know what they are protecting them from. This is completely inaccurate and incredibly biased to show, though it helps his point greatly. I really don't think he did a good job in interviewing the other side of the argument, as he portrayed them in a very poor light.

My thoughts on copyright haven't changed much. I think that anything online should be able to be used and altered by anyone, but I don't think anyone else should be abl eto make a profit on it. So long as you give credit where credit is due, and do not claim anything as your own, I see no problem with borrowing clips from other movies. The only time that I disagree with these things is when they are used for profit for others. Since this is not something that you can call your own you should not be able to use it for your personal gain in any other way than for entertainment.

I really did enjoy this movie (have we wtch a movie in this class I haven't loved?). I thought it was a very well constructed argument, and the point was proven very well. I really liked the approach he took to making this movie and I really do think that it was effective. It was very easy to watch and follow, and since this is an issue that is relevant to youth today, it was a very good documentary. It wasn't boring in the least, due to the cool graphics and constant music. It was overall a very good film and I really did enjoy it!